Linux permission commands guide:
Linux is a multi-user operating system that allows multiple users to access the same system. To ensure data security and privacy, Linux has a powerful permission system that allows users to control who can access what data.
There are three types of permissions in Linux:
- 1. Read (r): Allows a user to view the contents of a file or directory.
- 2. Write (w): Allows a user to modify the contents of a file or directory.
- 3. Execute (x): Allows a user to execute a file or access a directory.
There are three types of users in Linux:
- 1. Owner: The user who created the file or directory.
- 2. Group: A group of users who have similar permissions.
- 3. Others: Users who are not the owner or in the group.
The following commands are used to manage permissions in Linux:
- 1. chmod: This command is used to change the permissions of a file or directory. The syntax is:
`chmod [options] permissions file/directory`
- `-R`: Applies the changes recursively to all files and directories within the specified directory.
- `-v`: Displays a message for each file or directory that has its permissions changed.
- `-c`: Displays a message only for files or directories that have their permissions changed.
- `r`: Read permission
- `w`: Write permission
- `x`: Execute permission
- `u`: User or owner
- `g`: Group
- `o`: Others
- `a`: All (user, group, and others)
`chmod u+x file.txt` (Adds execute permission to the owner of the file.txt)
- 2. chown: This command is used to change the owner of a file or directory. The syntax is:
`chown [options] new_owner file/directory`
- `-R`: Applies the changes recursively to all files and directories within the specified directory.
- `-v`: Displays a message for each file or directory that has its ownership changed.
`chown alice file.txt` (Changes the owner of file.txt to user alice)
- 3. chgrp: This command is used to change the group of a file or directory. The syntax is:
`chgrp [options] new_group file/directory`
- `-R`: Applies the changes recursively to all files and directories within the specified directory.
- `-v`: Displays a message for each file or directory that has its group changed.
`chgrp staff file.txt` (Changes the group of file.txt to group staff)
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